Leathes Prior stand ready to assist the hospitality sector in their 4 July return
Following the Prime Minister’s announcement today about the latest easing of lockdown measures and further to the COVID-19 Secure risk assessment templates that Leathes Prior provided to businesses back in May we will be providing a free template to all restaurants, bars and pubs as they begin their preparations to re-open safely from July 4 (or such later date that they choose to open).
As soon we have received and studied the COVID-19 Secure guidance for the hospitality sector and prepared our risk assessment template we shall email this to our clients and indeed any other proprietor of a restaurant, bar or pub - to ensure you are on our mailing list to receive this as soon as it is ready please contact spoulter@leathesprior.co.uk.
A key part of preparing to re-open your business in this sector may also include considering taking advantage of the Flexible Furloughing Scheme - for advice on this please contact our Employment Team.