Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme – Update: 15 April 2020

Today the Government has published further guidance on the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) and how it is intended to work (see link here). This is the fourth version of the guidance that we have now seen. The main change to be aware of from this most recent version is that the employee must have been on the employer’s PAYE payroll scheme (i.e. registered under the RTI system) by no later than 19 March (instead of 28 February).
Whilst the CJRS was first announced by the Chancellor on 20 March, and subsequently clarified by the issue of four versions of guidance, the actual law which sets down the full legal powers of the CJRS has now also been published under the auspices of the Coronavirus Act 2020. (see link here).
Although future amendments are possible, this fourth version of the guidance read alongside the law could well be the definitive guidance on how the CJRS is to operate.
We have been helping many clients in relation to the CJRS and Furlough Leave and the employment law implications and should your business need help and assistance, our team of expert employment lawyers can help. If you need assistance then please get in contact with our Employment Team by email or by calling 01603 610911