Whilst a strong academic background is important, our main aim is to find candidates who will fit in with the firm and its ethos. Some of the key qualities and skills we look for in applicants are:
Teamwork - the firm succeeds by working as a team, not only within each practice area but firm-wide. Our lawyers support one another crossing over departments and areas of law and this better enables us to deliver that all round service to our clients.
Organisation - ability to prioritise work and the ability to speak up when more support is needed is crucial. Our trainee solicitors are treated as lawyers from the onset so the ability to juggle a variety of tasks is important.
Problem solving - each of our clients comes to us with something they are trying to achieve, resolve or understand. Our job is to support them with this and provide them with the best possible advice. Our trainee solicitors are expected to learn how to identify appropriate advice for our client’s needs.
Self-motivation - we seek candidates who will take a very pro-active and driven approach to their development. The teams will adapt the work they give the trainee solicitor according to their individual development and for this to work well, trainees regularly self-reflect, identify their next steps and discuss them with their supervisors.